Dhekelia Station, BFPO 58
Tel : +357 99533634

Welcome to JSGC(D) the traditional home of Service Golf in Eastern Cyprus. The Course is situated within the confines of Dhekelia Station on the Eastern Sovereign Base Area and as such is not open to the general public.
Membership is targeted at the SBA British military community and those entitled MOD or UK based civilians working within the SBA. By permission of the HQ BFC the club is also able to offer Membership to a limited number of Non Entitled players who are primarily Service Veterans along with a number of other members, mainly from the British expat community.
The course is a full 18 holes, measuring 5587 yards off the Men’s Yellow tees, and 5010 yards from the Ladies Red tees and Mens Forward Tees. We are affiliated to the Cyprus Golf Federation (CGF) and operate under the European Golf Association (EGA) Handicap System.
In 2016 the course had Artificial Grass putting surfaces laid and extensive work on irrigation and grass seeding in order to have a good quality fairway approach area.
The course presents all levels of golfer with a challenge whilst enjoying some fantastic views across Larnaca Bay and with the added benefit of a vibrant 19th Hole.